
OPPTS 830.6302, OPPTS 830.6303,and OPPTS 830.6304: Physical State, Colour and Odor at 20 °C and at 101.3 kPa

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the physical state, colour and odour. Data on the physical characteristics of the test items are used to confirm or provide supportive information on their identity.

Study Design

Course of the test

Determination of the Physical State at 20 °C:

The description of the physical state of the test item based on a visual inspection.

An adequate amount of the test item will be poured in a suitable glass test container. The test container will be closed.

Five scientific assistants will describe the physical state including the form of the test item in detail. Each assistant will do that independently from the other assistants.

Determination of the Colour at 20 °C:

The description of the colour (or lack of colour) of the test item will be based on a visual inspection. An adequate amount of the test item will be poured in a suitable glass test container. Five scientific assistants will describe the colour of the test item in detail. Each assistant will do that independently from the other assistants.

A colour system (e.g. Munsell system) will be used. Using this system a scientific assistant visually compares the test sample to colour chips or charts to estimate from numbers assigned to the chips/charts, in the following order the lightness, the chroma, and the hue. The chips or charts are then rearranged.

Determination of the Odour at 20 °C:

The determination of odour will be qualitative. Comparison may be made to other substances of characteristic odour.

Five scientific assistants will describe the odour of the test item in detail. Each assistant will do that independently from the other assistants.

The harmlessness of the test item for inhalation must be stated otherwise no determination of the odour is possible.


The physical state, colour and the odour at 20 °C of the test item will be described by conventional terms.

Conventional terms shall be used, as appropriate, to describe the substance. A choice of terms and definitions will be given in the raw data and similar terms can be found in the reference “Handbook of Chemistry and Physics” (2003).

Guidelines and Literature

  • EPA Product Properties Test Guidelines, OPPTS 830.6302: Color, EPA 712-C-96-019, August 1996
  • EPA Product Properties Test Guidelines, OPPTS 830.6303: Physical State, EPA 712-C-96-020, August 1996
  • EPA Product Properties Test Guidelines, OPPTS 830.6304: Odor, EPA 712-C-96-021, August 1996
  • American Society for Testing and Materials, “Standard Practice for Specifying Color by the Munsell System, D-1535”, ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 2001