
Latest Info

We welcome Erik B. Muller as a Senior Ecological Modeller!

23rd August 2022

We are very pleased that Erik B. Muller has joined ibacon’s Department of Ecological Modelling! Erik is a quantitative environmental scientist with over 25 years of experience in data analysis and modelling, specifically in the field of environmental toxicology and environmental risk assessment.

Dr. Patrick Riefer new Head of Environmental Fate

17th August 2020

riefer_web_01.jpg We are proud to announce that Dr.

New OECD draft guideline on Honey Bee homing flight commented by ibacon

2nd July 2020

The new OECD draft Test Guideline on honeybee (Apis mellifera) homing flight test after single exposure to sublethal doses was issued for the first commenting round (deadline June 26th 2020).

Proven in Use: Our New Growth Chamber for Non Target Terrestrial Plant Testing

29th May 2020

Proven in Use: Our New Growth Chamber for Non Target Terrestrial Plant Testing

Benoit Goussen – our new department head for ecological modelling at ibacon GmbH

7th May 2020

Ibacon provides ecological modelling services for many years. Our clients appreciate these services very much along with steadily increasing new orders. The consequence is that our former Ecological Modelling working group developed into a “real department” within our organizational structure.

Public consultation on new data requirements for Biocides with endocrine-disrupting properties until March 12, 2020

11th March 2020

Regulation (EU) No 528/2013, in its Annexes II and III, gives the data requirements for approval or authorization of biocidal actives and products. These annexes will be amended to identify endocrine-disrupting properties of biocides.

Successfull GLP inspection

4th November 2019 - 31st December 2019

Six inspectors examined 24 finalised and 17 running studies. Besides the studies, the inspectors also checked the processes of our archiving, substance administration and IT department.