- Your Product Type
- Your Study Type
- Aquatic Ecotoxicology
- Aquatic Invertebrates
- OECD 202: Daphnia sp., Acute Immobilisation Test
- OECD 211: Daphnia magna Reproduction Test
- OECD 235: Chironomus sp., Acute Immobilisation Test
- OECD 218/219: Sediment-Water Chironomid Toxicity Test Using Spiked Sediment/Spiked Water
- OECD 233: Sediment-Water Chironomid Life-Cycle Toxicity Test Using Spiked Water or Spiked Sediment
- OECD 225: Sediment-water Lumbriculus Toxicity Test Using Spiked Sediment
- OECD 242: Potamopyrgus antipodarum Reproduction Test
- OECD 243: Lymnaea stagnalis Reproduction Test
- Fish and other vertebrates
- OECD 203: Fish, Acute Toxicity Test
- OECD 215: Fish Juvenile Growth Study
- OECD 212: Fish, Short-term Toxicity Test on Embryo and Sac-fry Stages
- OECD 231: The Amphibian Metamorphosis Assay
- OECD 236: Fish Embryo Acute Toxicity Test
- OECD 210: Fish, Early-life Stage Toxicity Test
- OECD 229 Fish Short Term Reproduction Assay and OECD 230 21-day Fish Assay
- OECD 240 Medaka Extended One Generation Reproduction Test (MEOGRT)
- OECD 248: Xenopus Eleutheroembryonic Thyroid Assay
- OPPTS 850.1500: Fish Life Cycle Toxicity Test
- OÈCD 234 Fish sexual development test
- Aquatic plants
- Analytical Dose Verification
- Aquatic Invertebrates
- Chemistry
- Biodegradation Studies
- Analytical Chemistry Studies and Residues
- Physical-Chemical Properties Studies
- Storage Stability Studies
- OPPTS 830.6302, OPPTS 830.6303,and OPPTS 830.6304: Physical State, Colour and Odor at 20 °C and at 101.3 kPa
- EU A.1: Melting temperature/range
- EU A.2: Boiling temperature
- EU A.3: Relative density (liquids and solids)
- EU A.4: Vapour pressure
- EU A.5: Surface tension
- EU A.9: Flashpoint
- EU A.10: Flammability (solids)
- EU A.12: Flammability (contact with water)
- EU A.13: Pyrophoric properties of solids and liquids
- EU A.16: Relative self-ignition temperature for solids
- EU A.17: Oxidising properties
- OECD 114: Viscosity of Liquids
- Environmental Fate
- Transformation in Soil
- Transformation in Water
- Transformation in Manure
- Adsorption on Soil and Sewage Sludge
- Bioaccumulation and Bioconcentration
- Terrestrial Ecotoxicology
- Non-target Arthropods
- Non-target arthropod testing with the parasitic wasp (Aphidius rhopalosiphi)
- Non-target arthropod testing with the lacewing (Chrysoperla carnea)
- Non-target arthropod testing with the ladybird beetle (Coccinella septempunctata)
- Non-target arthropod testing with the predatory bug (Orius laevigatus)
- Non-target arthropod testing with the predatory mite (Typhlodromus pyri)
- Non-target arthropod testing with the rove beetle (Aleochara bilineata)
- Non-target arthropod testing with the carabid beetle (Poecilus cupreus)
- Non-target arthropod testing with the wolf spider (Pardosa spec.)
- Soil Organisms
- Honey Bees and other Pollinators
- OECD 213/214: Honey bees, Acute Oral and Acute Contact Toxicity Test
- OECD 245: Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera L.), Chronic Oral Toxicity Test (10-Day Feeding)
- OECD 237: Honey Bee Larval Toxicity Test, Single Exposure
- OECD 239: Honey Bee Larval Toxicity Test
- EPPO 170: Honey Bee Field Study – do plant protection products effect honey bee colonies?
- Oomen et al. 1992: Honey Bee Brood Feeding Study
- OECD 75: Honey Bee Brood Test under Semi-field Conditions in Tunnels
- OECD 246/247 Acute Oral and Contact Toxicity to the Bumblebee, Bombus terrestris L.
- Solitary Bee Acute Contact Toxicity Study in the Laboratory (Osmia sp.) Solitary Bee Acute Oral Toxicity Study in the Laboratory (Osmia sp.) (protocols for ringtests with solitary bees recommended by the non-Apis working group)
- SANTE/11956/2016 rev.9 Residue trials for MRL setting in honey
- Non-target plants
- OECD 208: Terrestrial Plant Test - Seedling Emergence and Seedling Growth Test
- OECD 227: Terrestrial Plant Test - Vegetative Vigour Test
- OCSPP 850.4100: Seedling Emergence and Seedling Growth
- OCSPP 850.4150: Vegetative Vigor
- EPPO PP 1/207(2): Efficacy evaluation of plant protection products, Effects on succeeding crops
- Field Studies
- Non-target Arthropods
- Ecological Modelling
- Quality Assurance
- Testing of Potential Endocrine Disruptors
- Aquatic Ecotoxicology
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Hyalella azteca Bioconcentration Test
12th September 2024
HYBIT – the new test system available since summer 2024
We are pleased to announce that the innovative HYBIT test system has been successfully introduced and has been part of our portfolio since summer 2024. In 2019, ibacon took part in the corresponding ring test and was able to make a positive contribution to the implementation.
HYBIT is an efficient and animal welfare-friendly alternative to the previous Bioaccumulation in fish test system.
Advantages of the HYBIT system:
- Faster results: HYBIT delivers test results in approximately 1 month, significantly faster than Bioaccumulation in fish at 2-3 months.
- Animal welfare friendly: HYBIT is not subject to the animal welfare law, the process has been simplified and accelerated.
- Efficient use of substances: Less test substance is required without reducing the number of samples. The number of samples remains identical to Bioaccumulation in fish.
- Higher test frequency: Up to 12 tests per year are possible, which allows for a higher test density.
For comparison: The price advantage with HYBIT is almost 30% compared to Bioaccumulation in fish .
With HYBIT you benefit not only from faster implementation, but also from lower costs and an animal welfare-friendly approach. Test the new system now and optimize your processes!
HYBIT – das neue Testsystem seit Sommer 2024 verfügbar
Wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass das innovative Testsystem HYBIT erfolgreich eingeführt wurde und seit Sommer 2024 Teil unseres Portfolios ist. 2019 nahm die ibacon am entsprechenden Ringtest teil und konnte positiv zur Umsetzung beitragen.
HYBIT ist eine effiziente und tierschutzfreundliche Alternative zur bisherigen Bioakkumulation in Fischen.
Vorteile des HYBIT-Systems:
- Schnellere Ergebnisse: HYBIT liefert die Testergebnisse in ca. 1 Monat, deutlich schneller als die Bioakkumulation in Fischen mit 2-3 Monaten.
- Tierschutzgerecht: HYBIT unterliegt nicht dem Tierschutzgesetz, was den Prozess vereinfacht und beschleunigt.
- Effizienter Substanzeinsatz: Es wird weniger Testsubstanz benötigt, ohne die Anzahl der Proben zu reduzieren. Die Probenanzahl bleibt identisch mit der Bioakkumulation in Fischen.
- Höhere Testfrequenz: Bis zu 12 Tests pro Jahr sind möglich, was eine höhere Testdichte erlaubt.
Zum Vergleich:Der Preisvorteil bei HYBIT liegt bei knapp 30% im Verleich zur Bioakkumulation in Fischen.
Mit HYBIT profitieren Sie nicht nur von einer schnelleren Durchführung, sondern auch von geringeren Kosten und einem tierschutzfreundlichen Ansatz. Testen Sie jetzt das neue System und optimieren Sie Ihre Prozesse!