
Gyceria maxima ring test

The risk assessment portfolio for aquatic plants still lacks a test that can be conducted for rooted monocotyledonous plants. In cases where

  • algae do now show sufficient sensitivity to the mode of action of the test substance, or
  • where the test substance partitions to the sediment and an exposure via root uptake is possible

further testing may be required. This is especially true when monocotyledonous species are more affected by the test substance than dicotyledous species in terrestrial plant testing. In these cases a Glyceria maxima study is indicated.

We are proud to contribute the knowledge we have already gathered by being one of the testing laboratories participating in an international ring test to help formally establish the OECD guidelines. The first part of the ring-test will be conducted in late 2016 or early 2017 and evaluates the potential effects and differences of a test duration of 14 and 21 days. Another aspect to be tested is the potential effect of the source of the test plants i. e. plants propagated through rhizomes and plants reared from seed by an external supplier.

Later on a definitive ring test will take place.

Here you will find more information about the Glyceria maxima study design at ibacon.